
Escape Room – Joensuu

Pakotarinat Joensuu

Pakotarinat Joensuu offers immersive and unique escape games and exciting Virtual Reality experiences. We are the only escape room company in Joensuu that doesn’t have other companies’ escape games at all, instead we design and build all our games ourselves. The most important benefit of this is that we fully understand the structure of the puzzles and we maintain and repair the games continuously. We have often heard from other escape games that something has not worked correctly, but when you play with us, you can be sure that all puzzles work as they should 🙂

All our games also have built-in difficulty levels, which means you can influence the difficulty of the room during the game. With this, the game experience is more individual and your group gets the best possible experience from the game 🙂

In Joensuu, our games include Circus, Witch of the Enchanted Forest, Secrets of the Past and a variety of Virtual Reality games.


You can book an escape game with the booking calendar below. After the booking you will receive an automated email confirming your reservation. If were at the office, there may be same day timeslots available.
You can ask for same day bookings with WhatsApp @ 050 462 3528 or a private message: @Pakotarinat Joensuu

The calendar shows only evening times by default. If you want to book a game for morning or day time or if you want multiple games to start at the same time, please contact us through email: joensuu@pakotarinat.fi  or call us: 050 477 8119

There are timeslots for Sundays as well!

Booking calendar

Booking terms and conditions

Arrive to the game place 10 min before the game starts. The game can be paid in our premises with payment methods stated by us. You can cancel the reservation 36 hours before the game starts. If you cancel the booking after this or if you don’t show up at all, we’ll have to charge a cancellation fee of 50 euros. When booking two or more games, the number of participants must be confirmed one week before the game.  


Room information

Group size: 2-6
Theme: Entertainment
Age limit: 14+, (younger with a guardian or an adult)
Difficulty levels: 3/5, 4/5 & 5/5

Coming in May 2024.

Pakohuone lumotun metsän noita

Witch of the Enchanted Forest

Room information

Group size: 2-5
Theme: Adventure
Age limit: 14+, (younger with a guardian or an adult)
Difficulty levels: 3/5, 4/5 & 5/5

Read story

Secrets of the Past

Room information

Group size: 2-6
Theme: Adventure
Age limit: 14+, (younger with a guardian or an adult)
Game size: Multiple rooms
Difficulty levels: 3/5, 4/5 & 5/5

The Secrets of the Past is a stand-alone remake to our previous Pirate Ship game with brand new puzzles and story.
No knowledge is needed from the previous game to play this one.

Read story


Virtual Reality games

Room information

Group size: 1-4 persons
Room size: 4m x 3m
Age limit: 12 year old
Equipment: Wireless HTC Vive Pro
Available games: 40 games

You can book the gameroom via email at joensuu@pakotarinat.fi

Att! The gameroom has only one set of headset.
Att! Virtual Reality -room is temporarily closed.

See the current game selection here.

Read more


The prices are determined by the group size and the weekday. Public holidays are by weekend prices. Prices include VAT 10 %.
The prices are determined by the amount of players in one escape room.
VR -room has an hourly rate, not affected by number of players.

Amount of players per room

Circus: 2-6 persons
Witch of the Enchanted Forest: 2-5 persons
Secrets of the Past: 2-6 persons
Virtual reality: 1-4 persons

Prices Monday – Thursday

2 person:  44 €/person.   Total: 88 €
3 person:  33 €/person.   Total: 99 €
4 person:  28 €/person.   Total: 112 €
5 person:  24 €/person.   Total: 120 €
6 person:  22 €/person.   Total: 132 €

Virtual reality:  36 €/hour

Prices Friday – Sunday

2 person:  48 €/person.   Total: 96 €
3 person:  35 €/person.   Total: 105 €
4 person:  29 €/person.   Total: 116 €
5 person:  25 €/person.   Total: 125 €
6 person:  23 €/person.   Total: 138 €

Virtual reality:  39 €/hour

Payment methods

Smartum card, note & mobile
Edenred card, note & mobile
TYKY payments
Invoicing for companies (invoicing fee 8 €)


Under 6-year-old can come with adults for free
Under 18 year old players get 10 % discount
Students get 10 % discount when you show the student card
Pensioner discount 10%

If you have already played the escape room once and want to participate in the game with another group, you will receive a 50% discount on the price of your ticket.

(Discounts cannot be combined with other offers.)

Contact details


Teollisuuskatu 11 B, 80100, Joensuu
tel: +358504778119
WhatsApp 050 462 3528


You can find 4 parking spaces behind the premises.
Entrance to the game area is at the left door in building B.

Opening times

We don’t have fixed opening hours, we’re usually at the office only when there are games booked.
You can contact us via facebook or email.

